
noun: chronicle

1. a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.

The Dream Is Finally a Reality: San Diego Loyal Soccer Club Has Finally Arrived

The Dream Is Finally a Reality: San Diego Loyal Soccer Club Has Finally Arrived

Written by Hector Trujillo:

People started gathering early at the San Diego Quartyard in downtown on Saturday morning while many others streamed the event live in anticipation of the big announcement: What would be the name, shield and colors of the team be? Many options were considered during the several months preceding this event during which the team and the community talked, but then the time came when it became official and San Diego Loyal Soccer Club was born.

"Loyal really is a verb that means something to the people here," said co-founder and president Warren Smith. "This verb means that this is a way of living besides being a way of defining who we are."

The process, which took several months, made sure to get the input from all parts of the San Diego community with as many opinions as possible being heard. "I am so proud to be part of such an incredible project. Thanks to all who have made this possible, it is only the beginning," said Landon Donovan, who serves as vice president of football operations for the team.

San Diego Loyal reached a three-year agreement with the University of San Diego (USD) to play their matches at the Torero Stadium. Torero Stadium has hosted several international exhibitions, MLS preseason games and is located approximately 20 minutes from the border.

"San Diego Loyal wanted to be different and we don't apologize for what we help our fans to create", Smith added. It was during those conversations that multiple themes emerged, including the importance of a diverse community, the shared passion for the coastal lifestyle, the vibrant colors in the sunrises and sunsets of the region and the independent spirit embodied in the people.

"This was a historic day for San Diego and for football in San Diego," Donovan added. "We are eternally grateful for allowing us to bring this to you. We are so proud that people want to be here, want to live here and finally we have the opportunity to celebrate not only football but also San Diego."

Donovan moved to San Diego in 2015 for personal reasons. He has been part of the promotion of beautiful sport locally since then. "Unable to attend the event on Saturday he was the main owner of the club Andrew Vassiliadis. The official design of the uniform for San Diego Loyal SC will be known in a few weeks with the 2020 USL Championship regular season schedule being announced sometime in mid to late December.

All photos courtesy of David Norris

FCFP - San Diego Loyal Soccer Club: Discuss

FCFP - San Diego Loyal Soccer Club: Discuss

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